12/3/2004 - Ý kiến bạn đọc: Thảo luận về thiết bị xử lý nước nuôi tôm - Bạn đọc Đòan Ngọc Hữu

Nho Viet Linh dang tai bai viet nay cua tui de cac nha nuoi tom tham kha them. Cam on.

Kính gởi : Việt Linh

Đầu tiên chúc Việt Linh luôn mạnh khỏe và luôn cập nhật những thông tin bổ ích đối với những người nuôi tôm như chúng tôi.

Tôi xin tự giới thiệu tôi tên là : Đòan Ngọc Hữu; vừa rồi tôi có đọc trên mạng website của Việt Linh có nội dung là : Thiết bị xử lý nước nuôi tôm và một thiết bị gọi là máy điện hóa. Qua những thông tin trên tôi xin trình bày ý kiến của tôi như sau: (Mong Việt Linh cho phép)

Thứ nhất : Về thiết bị xử lý nước nuôi tôm, ở đây chỉ đơn thuần là dùng đèn cực tím. Tất nhiên về nguyên tắc tia cực tím (hay còn gọi là tia tử ngọai) là tia có bước sóng ngắn sẽ tác dụng lên phân tử protit phá vỡ cấu trúc của vi sinh vật làm mất khả năng trao đổi. Tuy nhiên phương pháp dùng đèn cực tím để tiệt trùng nước biển cho nuôi tôm giống là không khả thi (ở đây tôi chưa nói đến xuất xứ của đèn cực tím, kỹ thuật và chất liệu kết hợp thiết kế ) “Hiệu quả khử trùng bằng tia cực tím chỉ đạt được khi trong nước không có chất hữu cơ và cặn lơ lững” (Tài liệu trong sách Xử Lý Nước của trường Đại Học Kiến Trúc Hà Nội do PTS. Nguyễn Ngọc Dung – NXB Xây Dựng) mà chúng ta cũng biết rằng nước biển có một lượng chất hữu cơ rất lớn, cặn lơ lững cũng là một vấn đề vì tất cả các trại nuôi tôm giống chỉ dùng phương pháp lọc thô sơ nên chỉ có thể giữ lại các lọai cặn > 50mm. Do vậy tôi đề nghị tác giả hãy nên thận trọng trong việc quảng bá rộng rãi. Theo tôi được biết việc ứng dụng thử nghiệm tia cực tím cũng đã từng được áp dụng cho nuôi tôm ở nhiều nơi, trong đó có cả ở Phú Yên nhưng kết quả đem lại sau khi kiểm tra là rất thất vọng.

Thứ hai : Máy điện hóa, có vài lần tôi đã tìm hiểu lọai máy này và có một số tài liệu về nguyên tắc làm việc của máy, cuối cùng tôi nhận thấy rằng đây là một lọai máy tạo ra nước Zaven (NaClO) thu nhỏ mà thôi, cho dù bài báo có nói là nước ozon dương và nước ozon âm. Tôi không biết KS Nguyễn Minh Phát đã tìm hiểu kỹ về thiết bị này chưa? Bởi vì theo tôi nếu là nước zaven thì nông dân chúng tôi không việc gì phải mua máy mà chỉ cần mua nước zaven pha sẵn với giá cả rất rẻ.

Nói chung những đánh giá trên của tôi chỉ mang tính chất cá nhân, không có ý định chê bai hay nói xấu sản phẩm mà chỉ mong muốn góp ý cùng các bạn để sản phẩm ngày càng tốt hơn. Nếu có gì không phải mong các bạn bỏ qua.

Tôi mong muốn những góp ý trên được sự quan tâm của các nhà kỹ thuật nuôi trồng thủy sản cũng như các nhà kỹ thuật về xử lý nước góp ý và cho ý kiến. Hiện nay tôi đang dự định áp dụng công nghệ khử trùng bằng Ozon, về mặt nguyên tắc thì ozon khử trùng mạnh nhất và tôi cũng được biết hiện nay trên thế giới người ta cũng đã áp dụng rất nhiều công nghệ này cho nuôi tôm và đã thành công. Rất mong Việt Linh cho tôi địa chỉ email của nhà sản xuất máy ozon DACOZONE để cùng trao đổi thêm thông tin hoặc Việt Linh tạo ra một diễn đàn trên mạng để nhà sản xuất trả lờicho mọi người cùng tham gia (ví dụ như DIỄN ĐÀN KỸ THUẬT KHỬ TRÙNG NỨƠC NUÔI TÔM) và mong mọi người chỉ dẫn thêm giúp tôi.

Xin cảm ơn! Đòan Ngọc Hữu

Việt Linh xin đăng lại bài báo đăng trên web Phú Yên để các bạn tiện theo dõi:

Phú Yên: Ứng dụng thành công hoạt hoá điện hoá vào sản xuất tôm sú giống (Phú Yên, 10/3//2004)

Nhờ chuyển giao kỹ thuật sử dụng máy điện hoá của Trung tâm phát triển công nghệ cao Hà Nội, 2 cơ sở giống Bửu Dung và Tấn Phát ở Khu trại giống Bình Kiến (Thị xã Tuy Hoà) đã điều chế được dung dịch hoạt hoá Anolyte (nước ozon dương), Catholyte (nước ozon âm - nước sống) từ muối loãng để xử lý môi trường sản xuất giống tôm sú sạch bệnh. Mỗi giờ, máy điện hoá sản xuất được 15 lít nước dung dịch hoạt hoá để khử trùng 5m3 nước bể ương tôm, tiêu diệt triệt để vi sinh vật gây bệnh, điều chỉnh pH, loại bỏ các chất độc hại có trong nước, kích thích tôm post mau lột xác, khoẻ mạnh. Theo KS Nguyễn Minh Phát, cán bộ nuôi trồng Sở Thuỷ sản, đây là công nghệ hoạt hoá điện hoá rẻ tiền nhất (20.000.000 đồng/máy) được ứng dụng thành công vào sản xuất tôm giống sạch bệnh đầu tiên ở Phú Yên. Ngành thuỷ sản sẽ phổ biến rộng rãi công nghệ này cho hơn 150 trại tôm giống trong tỉnh đầu tư ứng dụng sản xuất giống tôm sú có chất lượng cung ứng cho người nuôi.

(Theo Nguyên Lưu, Báo Phú Yên 1639)

13/3/2004 - Ý kiến bạn đọc - Che Van Tao - Nong truong Song Hau - Về thiết bị xử lý nước nuôi tôm 

Toi hoan toan dong y voi anh Doan Ngoc Huu boi vi hien nay toi cung dang phan van nhung dieu ma anh noi ra. Thuc su toi khong biet la san pham nao tot de ma dau tu, nong dan chung toi neu ap dung sai thi xem nhu tai hoa se den. khong biet cac ban co y kien nhu the nao?

Toi mong cac ban nong dan chung ta hay tham gia de co duoc mot su dau tu hop ly.

16/3/2004 - Ý kiến bạn đọc - Nguyen Tran - Về thiết bị xử lý nước nuôi tôm

Chao Viet Linh!

Chung ta lai gap nhau, toi xin thong tin them ve 1 so tai lieu ma toi vua thu thap duoc qua mang nhu sau: Doi voi "doi song" cua khi Ozon, neu du trong nuoc o nhiet do thuong no chi ton tai khoang 30 phut, sau do se chuyen hoa thanh oxi chu khong the noi la ozon duong va ozon am

Neu o nhiet do -80 o F (-62 oC) thi Ozon moi hoa tan trong nuoc(dang suong).

Nhu vay toi tan thanh y kien cua anh Huu, tai lieu ma toi tham khao duoc cac ban cung co the tham khao o trang website: http://www.moldkill.com.

Viet Linh a, toi rat tiec, hien nay chi co toi va anh Huu tham gia khong biet nha san xuat may ozon, va cac nha nong cua chung ta cung nhu cac nha san xuat may dien giai, den cuc tim dau roi sao khong thay tham gia. Viet Linh hay thong tin cho ho biet de cung "dam dao" chu.

Xin cam on

Viet Linh cho toi biet email cua anh Huu de toi thao luan cung anh ay duoc khong?

Thảo luận: cau 252, y kien cua anh Doan Ngoc Huu ve may tao nuoc ion duong va am (Anolyte), toi xin goi tai lieu sau de cac ban tham khao. (1/8/2005)

Name: Tan

Nhấn vào đây để gửi ý kiến thảo luận

Trả lời / Thảo luận:

Electrochemical activation: nonchemical regulation of water and water solutions properties

1. Basic concepts and definitions

The electrochemical activation technology is based on producing in special technical electrochemical systems of metastable (activated) solutions with anomalous physicochemical and catalytic reactivity for their further use in various technological processes in place of traditionally used special chemical agent solutions. Usual source solutions for electrochemical activation (ECA) processes are sodium chloride water solutions with no more than 5.0 g/l concentration, or fresh water of less than 1.0 g/l mineralization.

Electrochemical activation is effected by simultaneous electrochemical and electrophysical action on water or diluted water solution in the electric field of the double electric layer (DEL) of one of the electrochemical system electrodes. Water or solution unipolar electrotreatment (simultaneous electrochemical and electrophysical action in the electric field of electrode DEL) is accompanied by controlled mass transfer in the interelectrode space with minimal heat generation and with obligatory creation of conditions for the closest contact of each microvolume of liquid under treatment with the dense and/or diffuse part of the double electric layer on the electrode surface where the electric field intensity reaches several million volts per centimeter.


As a result of electrochemical activation, water (solution) transforms into metastable state which is due to emergence of chemical and physical excitations and is accompanied by directed changes in pH, oxidation-reduction potential and other physical and chemical parameters in a wider range than under chemical regulation.

Chemical excitations in electrochemically activated water and solutions are primarily represented by metastable products of electrochemical decomposition of fresh or low-mineralized water, including free radicals, whose reactivity is based on extremely high electron activity in cathodically treated water (catholyte) or extremely low electron activity in anodically treated water (anolyte). Physical excitations are micro-heterogeneous electrically active structures including gaseous electrochemical reaction products (microbubbles and clusters), as well as metastable changes in the ion-hydrated sheath structure charged particles.

Excessive physical and chemical excitation energy in activated water or solutions is gradually dissipating, and they transform from metastable into stable thermodynamic equilibrium state, i. e. lose their anomalous physicochemical and catalytic reactivity. Thereby, one of the principal specific features of electrochemical activation technology is the need of timely (within the relaxation period) purposeful use of electrochemically activated water or solutionâ?Ts abnormal properties.

The relaxation period for electrochemically activated water or solutions, within which they lose their anomalous activity, is from several hours to several days, depending on various factors.

Specific energy consumption for most liquid activation processes is 0.5 to 5.0 Wxh/l.


To implement electrochemical activation processes in practice, unique universal standard flow-through electrochemical modulars FEM which have no analogs worldwide have been developed. Most advanced to date third-generation FEM-3 cells, as well as flow electrochemical reactors RFE consisting of several FEM-3 cells united in blocks by manifolds of different configuration, are used in various-purpose technical electrochemical systems, including STEL devices for producing activated ecologically safe sterilizing, disinfecting and washing solutions; EMERALD devices for drinking water disinfection; AQUACHLOR devices for synthesis of gaseous electrochemically activated products (ozone, chlorine, chlorine dioxide); and other technical electrochemical systems.

Wide range of possible FEM-3 applications is due to their specific design which is based on optimal directed electrochemical transformation parameters for both highly diluted and concentrated water inorganic substances solutions and other liquids.

2. Water treatment in EMERALD devices

Technological processes of water disinfecting in EMERALD-type devices are based on electrochemical water treatment in flow-through electrochemical modular cells FEM-3, used individually or as RFE reactors consisting of several FEM cells. Thus, the leading role in the technological processes of water purification in EMERALD devices belongs to oxidation and reduction processes helping to destroy and neutralize all toxic substances found in nature. In EMERALD devices, the natural processes of ORP destruction and neutralization of toxic substances are greatly accelerated due to direct electrochemical reactions and the involvement in purification processes of highly-active reagentsâ?T salts: ozone, atomic oxygen, peroxide compounds, chlorine dioxide and short-lived free radicals electrochemically synthesized from treated water itself and dissolved in it.


A peculiar feature of technological water purification processes in the EMERALD devices is that excessive energy of electrochemically activated water is used in the processes where this energy is transformed into a directed physicochemical action which helps eliminate (destroy, decompose, remove, transform) harmful impurities. Such processes include micro-electroflotation, oxidative sorption, micro-heterogenous catalysis and others.

The term â?oEMERALD-type devicesâ? implies devices whose hydraulic circuit consists of flow diaphragm-type electrochemical reactors based on FEM cells, as well as some auxiliary units, such as catalytic, flotation, averaging and electrokinetic reactors, and a number of other units and systems specially designed to work in combination with FEM cells. The latter can be used either individually or as part of RFE reactors which can include from 2 to 20 FEM cells depending on capacity.

Irrespective of time (when stored appropriately), drinking water produced in EMERALD devices preserves parameters required by the existing water quality standards and demonstrates physiologically functional properties, i. e. ability to produce a positive effect on human health when consumed as a component of routine diet.

In addition to the technological water purification process â?oEMERALDâ?, some others have been developed â?" â?oSAPPHIREâ?, â?oTOPAZâ?, â?oAGATEâ?, â?oQUARTZâ? and â?oDIAMONDâ?. They are used on the basis of the respective modifications of EMERALD-type devices.

The above water purification technological processes differ in sequence, character and quantity of water transformation stages, as well as in their functional orientation when certain physical and chemical processes are enhanced in order to better purify water of a certain chemical composition from some contaminating components commonly found in it.

Process flowsheets of water purification in EMERALD devices are ideologically based on the optimal use of physicochemical processes and functional options of each physical element of the technological process, whether active or passive.

Active elements of water purification process (electrochemical reactors) require power supply from outside, whereas passive elementsâ?T functioning is based on transforming various forms of energy acquired by water in the active element, i. e. in the process of the preceding electrochemical treatment.


The principal difference of passive elements in EMERALD devices from other existing elements applied in routine processes of water purification (filters, sorbents, ion-exchange membranes) is that the latter function only due to their own physicochemical and (or) physical/mechanical properties, such as average pore size, type and size of sorbent, ion exchange capacity, etc., whereas the passive elements of EMERALD devices to purify water employ the transformation of various forms of extra energy water acquired in the active elements during electrochemical exposure â?" chemical energy of oxidized and (or) reduced substances; energy of phase transformations in the process of dissolution or liberation of gases formed at the electrodes â?" hydrogen, oxygen, ozone, chlorine, chlorine dioxide; energy of water structural transformations in the electric field of the double electric layer (DEL) of the electrode, where electric field intensity reaches several million volts per centimeter; energy of catalytic processes involving metastable products of electrochemical reactions in the working chambers of passive elements. Throughout the whole purification process, this extra energy in various forms comes into the passive elements of EMERALD devices together with purified water and becomes the main factor providing for the removal of unnecessary components from water with the process stability maintained for an unlimited period.

In routinely used water purification systems, treatment efficiency decreases in time, since it depends on the initial resource of the elementâ?Ts functionality â?" the area of its filtering or sorbing surface, exchange capacity, etc.

In contrast to that, water purification efficiency in EMERALD devices remains constant and is determined by the type of functionally useful transformation of excessive water energy in the passive elements of the hydraulic circuit as well as by the succession of water treatment stages.

Table 1 gives a list of water purification technological processes applied in the EMERALD devices.

Table 1. Technological processes of water purification in the EMERALD devices, technical systems for their realization and short description of the processes.

No. Process designation Technical system used Brief process description


1 Anodic electrochemical water treatment FEM cell, RFE reactor Eradication of microorganisms, oxidative destruction of organic compounds and microbial toxins

2 Electromigration cation removal FEM cell, RFE reactor Current transfer by cations through the diaphragm in the process of anodic water treatment

3 Cathodic electrochemical water treatment FEM cell, RFE reactor Heavy metal ions conversion into hydroxide colloidal particles

4 Electromigration anion removal FEM cell, RFE reactor Current transfer by anions through the diaphragm in the process of cathodic water treatment

5 Heterophase catalytic destruction of active chlorine compounds Catalytic dechlorination reactor EC Removal of active chlorine compounds with simultaneous formation of active oxygen compounds

6 Liquid-phase oxidation of organic compounds in medium with catalysts-charge carriers Mixing reactor ET Oxidation of organic compounds with the products of anodic electrochemical reactions in volume, with slowed down flow velocity during mixing

7 Micro-flotation of colloidal particles Flotation reactor EF Use of air microbubbles for water purification from colloidal suspensions

8 Micro-electroflotation of colloidal particles Flotation reactor EF Use of electrolytically generated hydrogen micro-bubbles for water purification from colloidal suspensions

9 Electrokinetic extraction of colloidal particles (electrokinetic fixing) Electrokinetic reactor EK Concentration of colloidal particles in the electric field of the double electric layer of mineral granules, fixing and dehydration of colloidal particles on the phase interface

10 Micro-electrophysical water treatment Microbubble catalytic reactor ED

Electrophysical effect on water and dissolved organic impurities in electrically active gas microbubbles at the time of first-type phase transformations in electric and hydraulic medium disturbance areas

All water purification technological processes presented in Table 1 have been designed specially for use in hydraulic systems containing FEM cells and (or) RFE reactors consisting of FEM cells. The technological process of water purification in EMERALD-type devices proper is a complex of these processes (stages), combined into a common circuit in a definite sequence. Generally, the order and number of purification stages determine the efficiency of the entire process of water purification. Table 2 contains data on developed water purification technological processes, which are implemented in various modifications of EMERALD devices.

The numbers of process stages in Table 2 correspond to the numbers of water purification technological processes in Table 1.

Table 2. Technological processes and water purification stages in the EMERALD devices.

Water purification technological process name (applied in the EMERALD devices) Water treatment stages separated in time


SAPPHIRE 3 8 1 6 5

AGATE 3 8 9 1 6 5

TOPAZ 3 8 1 6 5 3.4 9

QUARTZ 3 8 9 1 10 5

DIAMOND-9 3 8 1 10 5 3.4 9

DIAMOND-11 3.4 8 9 1.2 10 5 3.4 9

DIAMOND-15 3 8 1 5 3.4 8 9 1.2 10 5 3.4 9

Many years of experiments studying the efficiency of various water purification technological processes have resulted in determining an optimum combination of purification stages and using it in the original technological processes â?oSapphire-Mâ?, â?oAgate-Mâ?, â?oTopaz-Mâ?, â?oQuartzâ? and â?oDiamondâ?, practically implemented in different modifications of EMERALD devices.

EMERALD devices ensure production of decontaminated and structurally improved potable water that is no inferior to spring water and the best mineral waters in its beneficial effect. While maintaining in water components essential for human beings, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and fluorine ions, and saturating it with oxygen, they liberate it from all forms and types of microorganisms, toxic organic compounds and heavy metal ions, among them excessive iron ions. Of special interest is the possibility to control water oxidation-reduction potential in the process of treatment in EMERALD devices.


One of the most important factors controlling the parameters of oxidation-reduction reactions going on in any liquid medium is electron activity or, in other words, the ORP of the medium.

The ORP of human body inner milieu, measured with the help of a platinum electrode as compared to a silver chloride reference electrode, is normally always below zero, i. e. it has negative values usually ranging between â?"100 and â?"200 millivolts (mV). The ORP of drinking water measured in the same way is almost always above zero and generally ranges from +100 to +400 mV. This is true for nearly all types of drinking water â?" tap water in all cities of the world, water sold in plastic and glass bottles, water purified in the reverse osmosis devices and in any varieties of big and small water purifying systems.

The indicated difference between the ORP of the human body inner milieu and that of drinking water suggests that the electron activity in the inner milieu of human body is much higher than the electron activity in drinking water.

When common drinking water penetrates the tissues of human (or other) organism, it de-electronates cells and tissues which are 80-90% water. As a result, the body biologic structures (cell membranes, cell organoids, nucleic acids and others) are exposed to oxidative destruction. In this way the body wears out, ages, and the functions of the most vitally important organs deteriorate.

To ensure that the organism uses drinking water in the exchange processes the best way, it should be conditioned in accordance with the ORP parameters. That is achieved by means of ECA technologies.

If the ORP value of water consumed by the body is close to that of the human body inner milieu, the electric energy of cell membranes (vital body energy) is not spent to correct water electron activity, and water is immediately assimilated, as it is bio-compatible in this parameter. If the ORP of drinking water is more negative than that of the body inner milieu, the body is additionally charged with the energy used by the cells as energy reserve of the body anti-oxidant defense against harmful effects of the environment. Water purified in EMERALD devices in accordance with â?oTopazâ?, â?oDiamondâ?, and some other processes has negative oxidation-reduction potential. Hence, such water features anti-oxidant properties and is very promising as a therapeutic remedy.


the devices for drinking water purification

Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Introduction. Natural water is an aqueous solution of substances existing in different aggregate states. It has a complex chemical composition. Water contains ions of inorganic compounds (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe3+, Fe2+, Al3+, NH4+, Cl-, HCO3-, SO42-, NO3-, NO2-, F-, SiO32-, HS- , CO32- etc.), dissolved gases (O2, CO2, N2, H2S), tiny particles of solid admixtures, organic substances of natural and artificial origin, microorganisms and products of their vital activity. The size of particles found in water may vary from several ten-thousandth fractions of micrometer to 100 and over micrometers, i.e. one particle may be more than ten million times different from another. Table 1 [1] demonstrates mean sizes of particles of different nature, which may be present in water, depending on their weight. It also contains size ranges of porous channels of various filtering elements (membranes), classified according to the types of filtration processes (reverse osmosis, nano-, ultra- and microfiltration). It should be noted that the pore sizes given in Table 1 are tentative. They are of a so-called mean size, determined on the basis of known substance density and particle weight, provided that the particles are approximately spherical in shape.

Table 1. Types and sizes of drinking water admixtures

In reality, most organic compounds, many microorganisms, their waste products and individual fragments of microorganism structure are linear, and dependant on their orientation, are capable of penetrating through the filtering material, whose pore size is arbitrarily believed to make it impermeable. For instance, antibacterial filters used in medicine for drug filtration have pores of 0.22 micrometer mean size. However, such filters easily let through flagella and bacteria pili, whose diameters range between 25 and 7 nanometers (0.025-0.007 µm). Reverse-osmotic filtration devices with membranes of no more than 0.0001 µm pore size are capable of producing almost ideally pure water. However, such water, if used for drinking, has an adverse effect on human body, since it is devoid of such essential components as ions of sodium, calcium, magnesium, fluorine, chlorine, sulfates, carbonates and many others, microquantities of which should necessarily be present in drinking water. In the course of many hundred thousand years of evolutionary development, the human body has adapted itself to drinking natural fresh clear water, whose mineralization ranges between 0.2-1.0 gram per liter, which contains a small amount of natural organic substances and has no pathogenic or conditionally-pathogenic microorganisms. As a result of technogenous activity of man, practically all fresh water of surface and underground springs on the Earth has become polluted with xenobiotic substances that are foreign and unnecessary for human body (detergents, herbicides, pesticides, oil derivatives and so on). In the process of biotransformation these substances are often decomposed into compounds that are more toxic than the initial ones. Xenobiotic substances adversely affect human immune system, cause various organic and functional disturbances. Besides, today's water contains more ions, producing a toxic action on the human body in any, even the lowest, concentrations (Hg2+, Pb2+, Cd2+), and concentrations of ions, although beneficiary when they are present in microquantities (Fe3+, Fe2+ , Cu2+, Zn2+, Ni2+ and others, see Table 2 [2]), have risen up to a dangerous level.

Table 2. Metal ions necessary for man


Natural fresh water also contains more microorganisms, adapted to the presence of xenobiotic substances and heavy metal ions. Their new forms have appeared, which are much more harmful for man than the already known and well investigated species because of their higher resistance to routinely used antiseptic means.

The assumption that in the process of water purification, with the help of filtration or sorbing devices, it is possible to retain all harmful substances and let pass the useful ones is wrong. It is practically impossible to group dozens of thousands of various dissolved substances according to their usefulness with the help of filtration or sorption methods, either employed individually or in any possible combinations. Besides, concentration of useful or harmful substances contained in water on the filtering membrane surface, in the sorbent pores or on the surface of ion-exchange material leads primarily to microorganism retention, their accelerated reproduction and enhanced elimination of microbial toxins into water. This process is accompanied by a dramatic decrease of filtering, sorbing or ion-exchange ability of the active elements of a water-purifying device.

The methods of water purification based on the introduction of biocidal substances (iodine, bromine and silver) bear the risk of their adverse effect on the human body. Ultraviolet or ozone treatment of water does not guarantee its efficient decontamination if it contains colloidal particles or organic compounds of natural or artificial origin. In the "Emerald" devices, water purification is founded on oxidation and reduction processes which help destroy and neutralize all toxic substances in nature. In the "Emerald" devices, the natural processes of normal oxidation-reduction destruction and neutralization of toxic substances are many times accelerated due to direct electrochemical reactions, as well as to the participation in the purification processes of the salts of highly-reactive reagents, such as ozone, atomic oxygen, peroxide compounds, chlorine dioxide and short-living free radicals, which have been electrochemically synthesized from purified water and dissolved in it. Water purification processes in the "Emerald" devices consist of several stages divided in space and time, which differ in their action on water and the admixtures it contains. It makes the process of water purification in the "Emerald" devices highly efficient and ecologically safe as compared to other methods employed.

Technological processes of water purification in the "Emerald" devices

There is serial production of the "Emerald" devices using the following technological processes of water purification: "Emerald", "Sapphire", "Crystal", "Ruby" and "Aquamarine" [3-7]. They are different in the succession of water purification technological stages and are applied to purify drinking water dependant on its initial parameters. The main stages of water purification in the "Emerald" devices are the following:

1. Electrolytic, as well as heterophase and liquidphase electrocatalytic oxidation in the anodic chamber of an electrochemical reactor (Anode Treatment: AT). During anode treatment, in fractions of a second, water is saturated with highly active oxidants: ClO2, ClO, HClO,1O2, O3, Cl· , H2O2·, OH·, HO2·. Their concentration may vary from 6 to 18mg/l, depending on the cycle of electrochemical treatment. The processes of direct electrolytic oxidation (on the electrode's surface) and electrocatalytic oxidation (on the catalytically active centers of the electrode's surface and in a water volume with the help of catalysts-carriers) provide the destruction of organic admixtures and microorganisms. Abnormally high values of the oxidation-reduction potential of water in the anodic chamber (over +2000 mV, measured by a platinum electrode, as compared to a chlorine-silver reference electrode - c.s.e.) as well as metastable active chlorine and active oxygen compounds taking part in the reactions rule out the formation of toxic chlorine organic substances.

2. Electrolytic as well as heterophase and liquidphase electrocatalytic reduction in the cathodic chamber of an electrochemical reactor (Cathode Treatment: CT). During cathode treatment, also in fractions of a second, water is saturated with highly-active reductants: Ð<ÐO-, ÐO3Ð<2-, ÐO2Ð<2-, ÐOO2- , Ð<2-, eaq. It leads to the formation of insoluble heavy metal hydroxides (Men+ + nOH- -> Me(OH)n) Apart from that, in the cathodic chamber direct electrolytic reduction occurs (on the electrode's surface), as well as electrocatalytic reduction (in a water volume with the help of catalysts-carriers and hydrated electrons) of multi-charge cations of heavy metals: Men++ e -> Me0. The above processes reduce water toxicity caused by the presence of heavy metals by thousands of times, thanks to their transformation into a natural, stable, biologically inactive form of existence in nature. Heavy metal hydroxides can be dissolved in strong acids, including hydrochloric acid. Normally, hydrochloric acid is present in gastric juice. But gastric juice itself, or in the presence of food bolus being digested, is a complex organic medium, containing proteins and polysaccharides. These compounds play a role of enterosorbents which easily bind hydroxide molecules. In this way, heavy metal hydroxides are protected against the action of hydrochloric acid. Therefore, they are not dissolved in the stomach but are eliminated from the body in a natural way. Similarly, enterosorbents bind the flakes of hardness salts, iron hydroxides. These components are practically harmless for the body. But their presence in drinking water changes its taste and is unwelcome due to esthetic reasons.

3. Controlled electro-migrational ion transport through the diaphragm of an electrochemical reactor (Ion Transport: ITa->c - from the anodic chamber to the cathodic one; ITc->a - from the cathodic chamber to the anodic one; IT - mixed). This process permits to remove excessive quantity of ions from water, among them heavy metal ions, nitrates and nitrites. Controlling the rate and selectivity of electromigrational transport is achieved by changing the electric current density, by pressure differential at the diaphragm and by choosing its optimal physico-chemical, filtration and geometric parameters (the walls' thickness in the upper and lower parts, setting it with the smaller base up or down and so on).

4. Heterophase catalytic destruction of active chlorine compounds and heterophase catalytic oxidation of organic substances (Heterophase Catalytic Destruction: HCD). In a catalytic reactor, on the surface of granules of the catalyst requiring no replacement and regeneration there occurs the destruction of active chlorine compounds (ClÐ<2·, Hâ?~lO·, ClO·) associated with the formation of highly-active short-living particles: O·, Ð<, Cl·, OH·.They provide destructive oxidation of a wide range of organic substances, including dioxins.

5. Combined electroflotation and airlift water purification (Flotation Treatment + AirLift Treatment: FT + ALT). This process takes place in a flotation reactor, to which water comes usually after cathodic treatment in the electrochemical reactor, having been saturated with electrically active microbubbles of hydrogen. The hydrogen microbubbles vary between 0.2 and 10 ?m in size. The electric activity of hydrogen bubbles is caused by the fact that electrochemically active unstable products of cathodic reactions, for instance, ÐO2Ð<2-, ÐOO2- , Ð<2-, eaq are accumulated on the boundary of "gas-liquid" phase division. On the same boundary, insoluble metal hydroxides and other colloidal particles are accumulated. In a standard flotation reactor, removal of gas microbubbles takes much time because of an extremely low rate of their rising to the surface. Under given conditions, the air introduced into water flow before it comes to the flotation reactor helps intensify the process of float slime removal. Big air bubbles (0.5-2.0 mm) accumulate on their surface a great number of tiny hydrogen bubbles with float slime particles stuck to them and secure their swift coming to the surface. There is no coalescence due to a considerable difference of free surface energy of hydrogen and air gas bubbles.


6. Liquidphase catalytic oxidation of organic compounds (Liquidphase Catalytic Oxidation: LCO). In such processes, which take place, for instance, in a reaction capacity for completing oxidation reactions after water treatment in the anodic chamber of an electrochemical reactor organic substance oxidation goes on with the help of intermediate oxidants (mediators). These substances are electron acceptors, synthesized at the anode, or electron donors, formed in the course of cathodic electrochemical reactions. The reactions of liquidphase catalytic oxidation or reduction have one thing in common, namely: the direct oxidant or reductant is generated and regenerated at the electrode of the electrochemical reactor.

Figures 1-5 demonstrate schematic flow diagrams of all types of the "Emerald" devices. The following symbols are common for all the diagrams presented in the given figures:

RFE - the RFE electrochemical reactor which consists of one or several (a unit) diaphragm flow electrolytic module elements (FEM elements); D - drainage; R - hydraulic resistance; M - mixer; S - separator to separate gas from liquid; F - flotation reactor to separate solid phase particles from liquid; C - catalytic reactor; E - intermediate capacity for the retention interval of reaction medium up to the completion of chemical reactions; W - drinking water; PW - purified water.

Fig.1. Schematic diagram of water purification in the EMERALD-M device (the EMERALD water purification technology)

EMERALD process. The technological scheme of the "Emerald" water purification process is outlined in Fig.1. Using the above-mentioned symbols of the technological processes, the succession of water purification stages can be presented as follows: AT-> LCO -> HCD -> CT. The process "Emerald" is used to purify drinking water of normal mineralization level (0.2-1.0 g/l) from all species and forms of microorganisms, organic admixtures, for instance, phenol, as well as to neutralize heavy metal ions.

Fig.2. Schematic diagram of water purification in the EMERALD-S device (the SAPPHIRE water purification technology)

SAPPHIRE process. (Fig.2) consists of the following water purification stages: AT+ ITa->c -> LCO -> HCD. The process "Sapphire" is applied for the purification of water from all species and types of microorganisms, phenols, other organic compounds as well as for the removal of heavy metal ions: Hg2+, Pb2+, Cd2+ and others from water.

Fig.3. Schematic diagram of water purification in the EMERALD-C device (the CRYSTAL water purification technology)

CRYSTAL process. (Fig.3) presents the following succession of purification stages: AT+ ITa->c -> LCO -> HCD -> CT + ITc->a .

The process "Crystal" is employed to purify drinking water with somewhat elevated mineralization from all species and forms of microorganisms, organic compounds, particularly phenol, to remove excessive salts, specifically, to remove from water heavy metal ions as well as ions of nitrates, nitrites and sulfates.

Fig.4. Schematic diagram of water purification in the EMERALD-MF device (the RUBY water purification technology)

RUBY process. (Fig.4) includes the following succession of water purification stages: CT -> FT + ALT ->AT -> HCT. The given process is used to purify drinking water from all species and forms of microorganisms, toxic organic compounds, heavy metal ions, including excessive iron ions and to eliminate turbidity. In the process of purification, water preserves necessary for the human body ions of calcium, magnesium, potassium and fluorine; water is saturated with oxygen.

Fig.5. Schematic diagram of water purification in the EMERALD-KF device (the AQUAMARINE water purification technology)


AQUAMARINE process. (Fig.5) contains the following stages: CT + ITc->a -> FT + ALT -> CT + ITa->c -> HCT, and today is the most efficient one for the purification of water from all species and types of microorganisms, toxic organic compounds, heavy metal ions, including excessive ions of iron, nitrates, nitrites and for turbidity elimination. In the process of purification, water preserves necessary for the human body ions of calcium, magnesium, potassium and fluorine; water is saturated with oxygen.

Electrochemical reactors of the "Emerald" devices

Electrochemical reactors are the most important elements of the "Emerald" devices. They provide the fulfillment of the following basic conditions of the electrochemical treatment of water.

· Unipolar (cathode or anode) electrochemical exposure in a hydraulically isolated capacity (electrode chamber).

· Electrochemical treatment of each microvolume of water in the electric field high voltage area of the electrode's double electric layer.

· Formation of electrically active gas microbubbles at the electrodes.

· Controlling the chemical composition of ion charge carriers through an inactive (non-ion-exchange) diaphragm by modifying the pressure differential at the diaphragm, rate of water flow in the electrode chambers, current strength (density) and voltage at the electrodes.

The electrochemical reactors of the "Emerald" devices consist of flow module electrolytic elements (FEM-3 elements) [8,9]. The FEM-3 element (Fig.6) is a miniature diaphragm electrolyzer with vertically mounted cylindrical electrodes: outer 1 and inner 2, with a thin-walled tubular porous ceramic diaphragm 3 between them dividing interelectrode space into two electrode chambers - anodic and cathodic. Electrodes 1, 2 and diaphragm 3 are mutually fixedly, hermetically and strictly co-axially fastened with the help of bushings made of dielectric material, and elastic sealing rings. Each bushing is supplied with a union for hydraulic communication with the appropriate electrode chamber: with the help of the unions on the outer bushings the flow of water through the inner electrode chamber is provided, and the flow of water through the outer electrode chamber is performed with the help of the unions on the inner bushings. The inlet unions of the electrode chambers are in the lower part of a vertically mounted FEM-3 element, and the outlet ones - in its upper part. Interelectrode space (IES) of the FEM-3 element is 3 mm, the permissible range being from 2.8 to 3.3 mm. With this IES value, the anodic and cathodic zones of intensive convection, diffusion and electromigration mixing of water under the action of current, flowing between the electrodes, come into contact (provided there is no diaphragm). This leads to a considerable reduction of the electrochemical system ohmic resistance in case of increased current density.

Fig.6. FEM-3 flow electrochemical module element

1 - cathode; 2 - anode; 3 - diaphragm; 4 - bushing; 5 - head; 6, 7 - seals; 8 - nut; 9 - washer

The diameter D of the inner electrode's working part is determined by the ratio: 2 IES < D < 4 IES. Numerous experimental studies have proved that the optimum diameter of the inner electrode working part of the FEM-3 element is 8 mm. Consequently, the optimum diameter of the inner (working) part of the FEM-3 outer electrode is 14 mm. The optimum diameters of the FEM-3 element's inner and outer electrodes have been determined in order to ensure the contact of each microvolume of flowing water with the electrode's surface. This becomes possible when self-organization regimen of the interelectrode medium is achieved in the FEM-3 element's electrode chambers in the process of electrochemical treatment. An essential role in establishing the regimen of the electrochemical process self-organization belongs to the diaphragm.

The diaphragm of the FEM-3 element is made of ceramics based on zirconium, aluminum and yttrium oxides. It may contain additives of lanthanum, niobium, tantalum, titanium, gadolinium, hafnium and other oxides. The diaphragm is highly resistant to the action of concentrated and diluted aqueous solutions of acids, alkali, oxidants, reductants, and corrosive gases (chlorine, chlorine dioxide, oxygen and ozone). It is insensitive to heavy metal ions, organic substances and has a practically unlimited service-life which by far exceeds the service-life of the FEM-3 element (40-60 thousand hours). In case it is soiled by oil products and metal hydroxides, the diaphragm can be repeatedly cleansed with detergent solutions, concentrated or diluted hydrochloric acid, and after cleaning its qualities are completely restored. The thin-walled ceramic diaphragm undergoes no size or shape alterations under pressure differential, it is hydrophilic, has a low electric and a high filtration resistance due to a large number of tiny open pores. Besides, the diaphragm's surface is able to absorb highly charged metastable particles coming from the electrodes. They hardly penetrate inside because the energy of interaction with the hydrophilic diaphragm material surface is higher than the energy of electromigration transport activation, and thus they do not undergo mutual neutralization. In the course of the FEM-3 element's work, two oppositely charged ion layers are formed on the inner and outer diaphragm surfaces. Their difference of potentials can reach 2.5 V. Because of charged surface ion layers the voltage of the diaphragm's electric field increases by 30-40 V/cm thus contributing to better ion mobility in the pores and lowering the FEM-3 element's electric resistance.

Depending on the water purification technology used, the diaphragm for the FEM-3 element can be made as an ultra-, micro- or nanofiltration one. In the circular vertical smooth-walled electrode chambers of the FEM-3 element there are no conditions for the formation of stagnant or slow-flow zones.

The length of the outer electrode of the FEM-3 element is 187 mm. The volume of the electrode chamber of the outer electrode is about 10 ml, and the volume of the electrode chamber of the inner electrode is 7 ml.

The outer electrode of the FEM-3 element is a cathode, and is made of titanium, zirconium, tantalum or carbon glass. Dependant on the FEM-3 element's employment, the working surface of the outer electrode-cathode undergoes special treatment which helps reduce cathodic deposit formation, adds catalyst's properties to it, regulates the composition of electrochemical reaction products and provides the formation of gas bubbles of needed (optimum) diameter in a concrete technological process. For cathode surface coating, usually platinum or pyrocarbon are used.

The anodes for the FEM-3 element are made of titanium covered with noble metals (platinum, iridium). Controlling the catalytic ability of the anode coating, selectivity of electrochemical synthesis processes and ability to form gas microbubbles of optimum size is provided by technological operations during coating. Each FEM-3 element is an individual electrochemical reactor and can be used both separately and together with other FEM-3 elements combined into the flow electrochemical reactor RFE or RFE-M [10,11].


In all cases, mounting FEM-3 elements in a reactor of greater productivity is fulfilled by their hydraulic parallel connection with the help of collectors. In RFE reactors, the collectors for connecting FEM-3 elements are plates of dielectric material with inner channels for liquid flow, or parts of thick-walled pipes of dielectric material with sockets or unions for connection with FEM-3 elements (linear connection of FEM-3 elements). In the RFE-M reactors, the collectors secure radial connection of FEM-3 elements, water or solutions being fed or removed from the common center. The RFE-M reactors provide even distribution of liquid among FEM-3 elements with no special technical gadgets used, that is why they are more commonly applied than the RFE-type reactors. Electric connection of FEM-3 elements in RFE or RFE-M reactors can be consecutive, parallel or consecutive-parallel (mixed), depending on the concrete technological scheme of using the device for electrochemical activation of water or solutions.

Emerald's Models


Emerald-С(Sapphire)-60-5(SR)Reducing microbiological cntamination of water up to 99,9%,Reducing the content of harful organic substances (phend, herbicides, pesticides, trigalomethanes) up to 94%,Neutralization (removal) of heavy matal ions, netrates, nitrites, up to 86%,Mineralization fo purified water 0.2-1.0 g/l,Consumed electric power 30 W, Dimensions 230x50x300 mm, Weght 1.2 kg.

Productivity: 60 l/h model's description »

АТ(Agate)-60-6 (Ðo)

Emerald-АТ(Agate)-60-6 (Ðo)Reducing microbiological cntamination of water up to 100%,Reducing the content of harful organic substances (phend, herbicides, pesticides, trigalomethanes) up to 98%,Neutralization (removal) of heavy matal ions, netrates, nitrites, up to 88%,Elimination turbidity up to 92%,Mineralization fo purified water 0.2-1.0 g/l,Consumed electric power 30 W, Dimensions 230x50x300 mm, Weght 1.9 kg. Productivity: 60 l/h model's description »

ТÐ-(Topaz)-60-8 (Ðs)

Emerald-ТÐ-(Topaz)-60-8 (Ðs)Reducing microbiological cntamination of water up to 100%,Reducing the content of harful organic substances (phend, herbicides, pesticides, trigalomethanes) up to 99%,Neutralization (removal) of heavy matal ions, netrates, nitrites, up to 98%,Elimination turbidity up to 99%,Mineralization fo purified water 0.2-1.0 g/l,Consumed electric power 60 W, Dimensions 230x50x300 mm, Weght 1.9 kg. Productivity: 60 l/h model's description »

KF(Diamond)-60-8 (KF)

Emerald-KF(Diamond)-60-8 (KF)

Productivity: 60 l/h



Productivity: 60 l/h



Productivity: 60 l/h

Emerald's Industrial Models



Productivity: 250 l/h model's description »

Structural alteration of water in the process of purification in the "Emerald" devices

Under the influence of the electric field of a double electric layer (DEL), the structural net of hydrogen bonds becomes loose, water molecules receive an extra degree of freedom, making the assimilation of such water, activated in the electric field, easier for living organism cells and stimulating biological residue removal. The process of structural water modification in the DEL electric field is analogous with that occurring in ice melting (ice-melt water), with structural transformation of water in the electric discharge of storm showers, and physico-chemical exposure of water deep inside mountain rocks, under high temperatures, at the initial stage of mineral spring formation. However, in the process of water treatment in the DEL electric field, its structure undergoes a much deeper transformation and a more marked exposure: electron-donor at the cathode and electron-acceptor at the anode.

To sum up, electrochemical treatment of water by the "Emerald" devices provides:

· water decontamination;

· efficient removal and inactivation of toxic elements and compounds;

· removal of excessive salt concentration and solid residue components;

· direct alteration of oxidation-reduction potential and increasing biological value of water while preserving its neutral acid-alkaline parameters;

· preserving normal quantity of biologically useful micro- and ultramicroelements. Specifications of the household "Emerald" devices

Description ID SR CL MF CF

Reducing microbiological contamination of water, % up to 99.9 up to 99.99 up to 100 up to 100 up to 100

Reducing the content of harmful organic substances (phenol, herbicides, pesticides, trigalo-methanes), % up to 90 up to 94 up to 97 up to 90 up to 98

Neutralization (removal) of heavy metal ions, nitrates, nitrites, % up to 80 up to 86 up to 89 up to 85 up to 95

Eliminating turbidity, % - - - up to 90 up to 95

Mineralization of purified water, g/l 0.2-1.0 0.2-1.0 0.2-1.0 0.2-1.0 0.2-1.0

Voltage of power supply line, V 220 ± 22 220 ± 22 220 ± 22 220 ± 22 220 ± 22

Frequency of power supply line, Hz 50-60 50-60 50-60 50-60 50-60

Consumed electric power, W 30 30 60 30 60

Temperature of purified water, °C +8�+35 +8�+35 +8�+35 +8�+35 +8�+35

Dimensions, mm 230Ñ.50Ñ.300 230Ñ.50Ñ.300 230Ñ.50Ñ.300 230Ñ.50Ñ.300 230Ñ.50Ñ.300

Weight, kg 1.2 1.2 1.9 1.1 1.9

Specifications of the household "Emerald" devices

If a family of 4-5 members consumes 20 liters of purified drinking water daily, (exclusive consumption of purified water), operational and economic features of some water purifying devices (home and imported) will be as follows: (see Table 4). Table 4 sums up the following data:

1. Cost of the device, US $;

2. Performance (Q), l/h;

3. Replaceable elements required;

4. Period during which a continuously working device produces a daily amount (20 liters) of purified water for one family (T20 =20:Q), hours;

5. Operation time before the cartridge or the whole device is replaced, when its service life is over, under the condition of full daily supply of the family with purified water (T0 = rated service life, l:20, days). In the brackets, interval (days) between cartridge washing (regeneration) sessions is indicated, if it is provided for technically.

When analyzing the data of Table 4, the following service requirements for water purifying devices are to be taken into account:

· time spent for the production of a daily amount of purified water should be as short as possible, and the device is not to be continuously employed during operational period;

· replacement of the cartridge or the whole device (or washing and regeneration of the device) must not be too frequent;

· specific economic expenditure for purified water production should be minimal.

Models of the devices in Table 4 are arranged according to the cost of a complete set.

Table 4. Comparative service and cost parameters of some household water purifiers

Device Cost of thedevice, US $ Q l/h Replaceable elements required(their cost in US $) T20 hours T0 days

"Colibri" 8 70 Yes 0.3 25

"Geyser" 9 30 Yes 0.67 250 (25)

"Barrier" 12 8 Yes (8) 2.5 25

Brita 25 15 Yes (6) 1.3 7.5

Instapure F-3CE 28 170 Yes 0.12 38

Nerox 40 0.83 Replaceable module 24 125

Aqualon 16 8 Replaceable module 3 - 3.5 250

"Emerald", modifications M,C,S,MF,KF 90-300 50 - 60 No replaceable modules required 0.3 - 0.4 1825(5 years)(10 - 200)

Nimbus 3 170 1 Yes (83) 20 180-200

Nimbus CS-2 390 1 Yes (90) 20 180-200

Instapure RO-100 650 0.8 Yes 24 180-200

For some water purifiers the cost of a replaceable cartridge is not indicated. In some other cases its cost ranges from 23% to 67% of the cost of the whole device (from $6 to $90).

The Brita device, whose rated service life for Moscow water is 150 liters, under the condition of complete daily supply of a family with purified water requires replacing the cartridge every 7-8 days, the total expenditure being $317. The Nerox module needs to be replaced 3 times a year, the total expenditure being $120. Similar expenditures when the "Barrier" filter is employed are about $130 a year, "Aqualon" - $23. Replacement of cartridges for the "Nimbus" device approximately twice a year costs about $160-180 (not taking into account the initial cost of the device). This is not so much if judged by the standards of affluent countries (in case of a water purifier's active operation during a year the cost of one liter of purified water is no higher than 20 cents), but absolutely unacceptable for a country, where average annual income hardly exceeds 100 USD.

The most expensive model of the "Emerald" device can treat, in about half an hour, the amount of water sufficient for satisfying daily requirements of a family consisting of several persons (near to 20 l/day). The device requires no extra service expenditures, provided it is operated properly. The cost of one liter of water purified by the "Emerald" devices during the whole service period (5 years) is equal to some shares of a US cent. If counted in prices of bottle drinking water, the "Emerald" devices recoup themselves in a few days.

Production capacity of different modifications of the "Emerald" devices, l/h 40-60 200 500 1000

STEL devices



Research and Production Association , the renowned leader in the development of the state-of-the-art medical equipment, developed and produces the unique STEL devices for the synthesis of ecologically friendly and highly effective washing, disinfecting and sterilizing solutions.

The STEL device operation bases on the electrochemical transformation of a sodium chloride solution with low mineralization into the ANC activated neutral anolyte solution, a metastable solution with low concentration of biocidal agents.

Basic advantages of the ANC anolyte with respect to stable biocidal substances.

Unlike routinely used disinfecting and sterilizing solutions, such as glutaric aldehyde, formaldehyde, chloramine, sodium hypochlorite, dichlorizocyanurates, peracetic acid, quaternary ammonium compounds (QAC), heavy metal compounds and other synthetic biocidal substances, active ingredients of the ANC anolyte do not belong to xenobiotic substances and produce no harmful effect on man and warm-blooded animals. These substances are inorganic short-lived peroxide compounds which are normally synthesized in the human body and that of warm-blooded animals by special electrochemically active cell enzymes and participate in the processes of neutralization of harmful and alien substances in the body (phagocytosis).

A metastable peroxide mixture, formed in the course of bio-electrochemical reactions in the human body and that of warm-blooded animals, is the most efficient of all known means of eradicating microorganisms, since it possesses a variety of spontaneously realized abilities to irreversibly disturb vitally important functions of microorganism bio-polymers at the level of electron transfer reactions. It is proved by the observation that during the evolution of the highest life forms, tens of thousands years long, the microorganisms failed to develop resistance to such metastable chemical systems.

Requirements for the STEL device operation.

The STEL devices are automatic; they are reliable, simple and handy and do not require operator's control. They work by the pre-established program producing solutions with highly stable parameters. The operation mode features high dynamics: production of a solution with given properties begins 10 seconds after switching on the facility. The STEL device needs for its operation a pressure water source, common salt of any quality and an electric power source. Besides, a small amount of the hydrochloric, citric or acetic acid solution (about 1 liter of the 3% acid per week for a RFE reactor containing 10 FEM-3 elements) for regular cleaning of the electrochemical reactor's cathode chamber from sediments of alkali-earth metal hydroxides. The STEL device, if necessary, can be equipped by a special portable device for the electrochemical synthesis of hydrochloric acid from the sodium chloride solution for cleaning the reactor's cathode chamber. If a water supply system is absent in the site of the STEL device operation it can be substituted by a reservoir equipped with a pump and filled with fresh water of any quality (from a river or a lake). The STEL devices are ecologically friendly allowing to abandon the use of washing, disinfecting and sterilizing agents.

The STEL devices are indispensable in remote locations, military garrisons and frontier posts and in emergency situations, whenever the urgent supply of large amounts of disinfecting agents is necessary.

Automated STEL-A installations. Currently the growing interest is observed of healthcare institutions in the electrochemically activated sterilizing, washing and disinfecting solutions. It is explained by their ecological safety, absence of agents toxic for human beings and warm-blooded animals, high microbiocidal activity and, besides, by rather low cost and easy production and application. At the same time the healthcare institutions show the strongest interest in the STEL-device-based automated installations (STEL-A installations) which are able to supply any required amount of the activated solutions. Besides the STEL device, such installations include hydraulic systems providing connection to the water supply system via a pressure reducer, an electromagnetic valve, a filter for capturing mechanical suspended matters, and capacities for the activated solutions with floating level controller which is electrically connected with the starter of the STEL device. The STEL-A installation also includes systems for storage of the acidic solution, for the automatic washing of the electrochemical reactor and for the consequent collection of the waste acidic solution. In cases of low pressure in the water supply system, the STEL-A installation includes additional capacity for water equipped with a pump which with the installation's facilities by the automatic control system. The installation provides permanent supply of the required volume (regularly from 200 to 2,000 liters) of the ready-to-use electrochemically activated sterilizing, disinfecting and washing solution to a healthcare institution.

The STEL-device ancillary systems for the application of the ANC electrochemically activated anolyte in the form of fog. The Association in collaboration with the researchers and experts from St.Petersburg produces the STEL devices with the installed centrifugal fog generators. Such a mode of the anolyte application proves to be very effective for treatment of premises in healthcare institutions, including surgery units, cattle-breeding farms, storehouses for fruits and vegetables stored in containers. The conformity certificates are available.

The STEL-device ancillary systems for the prevention of the dentistry and ophthalmologic instruments corrosion during their treatment by the electrochemically activated ANC anolyte solution. Medical instruments made of carbon steel and, in particular, dentistry instruments are subject to corrosion when they are treated by the electrochemically activated ANC neutral anolyte solution. To prevent corrosion, the STEL devices may be equipped with special flasks with portable systems of electrochemical or galvanic protection. The flasks are made having either standard or custom-ordered dimensions.

Anolyte (ANC)

The mechanism of the biocidal effect of an electrochemically activated solution (ANC anolyte) is similar to that of gas plasma, and its degradation products are source substances, i.e. low-mineralized water.


Feature HPCS ANC

Active components ClO- HClO, ClO·, ClO-, Cl·, HO2·, HO2, HO·, H·, H2O2, O3, O2·, 1O2, O·

Concentration of active components 0.5% 0.02%

Antimicrobic activity:

bacteria + +

viruses + +

tuberculosis agents + +

fungi + +

candida + +

spores - +

Biological compatibility No Yes

Ecological friendliness No Yes

Washing (cleaning) power No Yes

Overall mineralization of the active solution 2.5% 0.3%

Allergenic properties Yes No

"Wet walls" after-treatment effect Yes No

Certified application scopes:

disinfection + +

pre-sterilization cleaning - +

sterilization - +

Certified disinfecting applications:

surfaces + +

linen + +

utensils + +

medical equipment + +

thermolabile instruments + +

flexible endoscopes - +

optical devices - +

dentistry equipment - +

skin, surgeon's hands - +

general equipment + +

water - +

air - +

meat-processing equipment - +

milk-processing equipment - +

swimming pools' water - +

TB prophylactic centers' sewage water - +

stored fruits and vegetables - +

Period of time the solution keeps its biocidal properties More than 3 months 5 days


Name, country-manufacturer Concentration of operational solution, % (Darkened areas show the concentration ratio) Characteristic of antimicrobial effect Allergenic features and toxicity: classes by the GOST 12.1.007-76(Darkened areas show the relative levels of toxicity) Combina-tion of disinfec-ting properties and detergent ability Habitua-tion (adapta-tion) of microor-ganisms to the solution Cost of one litre of operational solution(Darkened areas show the parity of prices)

Bacteria Mycobacteria Viruses Fungi Spores

Anolyte АNC (Russia) 0.01 - 0.05 + + + + + IV Yes No 1 Kopeck

Sodium hypochlorite (Russia, USA, and others) 0.1 - 0.5 + + + + - IV No Yes

Precept (USA) 0.5 + + + - - III No Yes

Chloramine (Russia) 1.0 - 3.0 + + + + - IV No Yes

Chlorhexydine bigluconate (Russia) 0.5 - 4.0 + + + - - IV No Yes

Lysoformin-special (Switzerland) 0.5 - 4.0 + - + - - III No Yes

Vircon ÐsÐ ÐsА (Slovenia) 0.5 - 2.0 + - + - - III No Yes

Lysetol-АF (Germany) 2.0 - 5.0 + + + + - III No Yes

Sidex (USA) 2.0 + + + + - III No Yes

Cold Spore (USA) 2.0 + + + + - IV No Yes

Decanex 50FF (Switzerland) 0.5 - 4.0 + + + + - III No Yes

Additional information on the ANC anolyte.


The ecologically safe electrochemically activated ANC-type anolyte has the life time which is sufficient for disinfection procedures. After being used it degrades spontaneously without producing toxic xenobiotic compounds and does not require neutralization prior to draining to the sewage system. The neutral anolyte ANC produced in the STEL devices is not only an ecologically safe and highly effective agent for disinfecting, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of medical equipment. Moreover, it is an antiseptic which can be spread over the injured and uninjured skin, the mucous coats, cavities and wounds to prevent development of local infection lesions and sepsis. The electrochemically activated neutral anolyte ANC is a multipurpose agent, exterminating all major systematic microbe groups (bacteria, fungi, viruses and candida) without injuring tissue cells of the human body and other higher organisms, i.e. somatic animal cells which are part of a multicellular system. The neutral anolyte is the solution of the basically new type possessing unique biocidal properties and combining features of the washing, disinfecting and sterilizing agent. The activated ANC anolyte produced in the STEL devices kills disease agents of the bacterial, viral and fungous etiology (Staphilococcus aureus, Bacillus pynocyaneus, Escherichia coli bacillus, hepatitis-B virus, poliomyelitis virus, HIV, adenoviruses, TB agents, salmonollosis, dermatomycosis agents et al.) The ANC anolyte considerably exceeds by its efficiency such well-known disinfecting agents as chloramine, sodium hypochlorite etc.

Positive results were obtained in killing the plague and anthrax agents with the ANC anolyte solutions. High efficiency of the STEL-produced solutions was experimentally proven for decontaminating the combat materiel and equipment with the concurrent degassing as well as for removing toxic components of the missile fuel with the components degrading to non-toxic elementary compounds.



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AcidicpH < 5 NeutralpH = 6-8 NeutralpH = 7-9 AlkalinepH > 9

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ACl2; HClO; ClO2; HO2 ANHClO; ClO2; O3; O*; HO* ANCHClO; ClO2; O3; HO*;HO2; O2 ANÐ"HClO; ClO2; O3; HO*; HO2; O2; O* KNO-2; HO-2; H2O-; H3O-2; OH- KOH-; HO-2; O-2; H2O-; H3O-2

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Disinfecting of drinking water, sewage water, solid waste, preservation of green feedingstuff Disinfecting, pre-sterilization cleansing, sterilization of medical items subject to no corrosion, disinfecting of drinking water, sewage water Disinfecting, pre-sterilization cleansing, sterilization of medical items made of any materials, disinfecting in the food industry, agriculture, disinfecting of drinking water, sewage water; preservation of food stuff; treatment of purulent-septic conditions Fast sterilization of preliminarily cleansed glassware or plastic crockery in food and pharmaceutical industries Pre-sterilization cleansing and washing of medical items sensitive to high pH values of a solution, for instance the calibrated capillaries Pre-sterilization cleansing of medical items, washing of equipment in food and pharmaceutical industries, antioxidant protection against chemical and radiation effects upon human and animal organisms

The STEL device electrochemical reactors

In the STEL devices, the electrochemical synthesis of the ANC neutral anolyte takes place in the diaphragm-containing electrochemical reactor RFE. The latter is a unit of FEM-3 flow electrolytic module elements hydraulically connected in parallel. The FEM-3 element is a small-size flow diaphragm-containing electrochemical reactor containing cylinder-shaped coaxial electrodes and a thin-walled tubular microporous ceramic diaphragm. The FEM-3 basic dimensions (the diameters of the electrodes and of the diaphragm and the length of the electrode chambers) are chosen to attain optimal conditions for the electrochemical treatment of both strongly diluted and highly concentrated electrolyte solutions. The physical and chemical and the electrochemical properties of the FEM-3 element's diaphragm, anode and cathode provide conditions for the creation of a self-organizing structure of the diluted saline water solution in the electrode chambers. As a consequence, relatively long-lived (up to 5 days) microbubbles of electrolytic gases emerge which are stabilized by charged unstable products of electrochemical reactions. It is impossible to obtain similar effect in electrochemical reactors of any other type.

A distinguishing feature of the FEM-3 element is its diaphragm's insensitivity to organic and inorganic contamination (the diaphragm properties can be completely restored by the chemical cleaning of the FEM-3 element without its disassembling). Besides, one can control the chemical composition of the anode or cathode electrochemical synthesis products by varying the pressure difference on the diaphragm up to 1.5 kg(f)/cm2.

Fig. 1. FEM-3 flow electrochemical module element

1 - cathode; 2 - anode; 3 - diaphragm; 4 - bushing; 5 - head; 6, 7 - seals; 8 - nut; 9 - washer

The FEM-3 element allows concurrent electrochemical treatment of liquids with quite different properties and chemical composition without their mixing, e.g. milk and water, oil or distilled water and saline water solution.

The FEM-3 element is patented in Russia (Patent No. 2078737 ) and in the USA (USA Patent Application, Serial No. 08/613,968), currently applications for patent issuance are submitted in 50 countries.

The electrochemically activated neutral anolyte ANC which is certified for the applications listed above can be produced only in the STEL devices containing the RFE electrochemical reactors with the FEM-3 elements. Any other electrochemical systems even if they allow obtaining solutions similar in physical and chemical properties are not able to produce the metastable biocidal solution containing the mixture of peroxide compounds, the analogues of the products of natural bioelectrochemical reactions proceeding in the human body and the warm-blooded animal organisms.

The electric power of a single FEM-3 element used in the STEL devices does not exceed 60 W. It is enough for producing from the source solution containing 2.5 g/l of the sodium chloride up to 20 liters per hour of the ANC-type anolyte with the oxidants content 250 - 300 mg/l. The required production capacity of the STEL devices is achieved by the increase of the FEM-3 elements' number in the RFE reactor and, next (with the production rate over 250 l/h), by the further increase of the number of the RFE reactors connected hydraulically in parallel. There are no basic limitations on the production capacity of the STEL devices. Currently the STEL devices with the production rates from 40 up to 1,000 liters per hour are produced in large scale.

The outer (1) and inner (2) electrodes are separated by a thin-walled tubular porous ceramic diaphragm (3) dividing the interelectrode space into two electrode chambers, the anode and the cathode ones. The electrodes (1) and (2) and the diaphragm (3) are fixed coaxially with respect to each other and are tightly sealed. The interelectrode space (IES) in the FEM-3 element equals to 3 mm.

The diaphragm of the FEM-3 element is made of ceramic on the base of the zirconium, aluminum and yttrium oxides. The diaphragm is highly resistant to the action of concentrated and diluted aqueous solutions of acids, alkalis, oxidants, reducers and aggressive gases (chlorine, chlorine dioxide, oxygen and ozone), is strongly resistive to heavy metal ions, organic compounds and features long life time (50,000 - 60,000 hours).

The outer electrode of the FEM-3 element, the cathode, is made of titanium.

The anodes of the FEM-3 element are made of titanium and are plated with the ruthenium and iridium oxides. Catalytic properties of the anode plating, selective features for the electrochemical synthesis and the ability to produce gas microbubbles of an optimal size are controlled by the technology of coating.

The anode and cathode chambers of the RFE reactor are connected to the capacities of the anode and cathode circulation contours respectively. The contours are designed in the way of closed-type pipings made of the PVCH-CHLORINE polyvinyl chloride. The capacity of the anode circulation contour is equipped with a pressure regulating valve of the "up to itself" type maintaining the increased pressure in the anode circulation contour and blocking losses of the sodium chloride solution.

Stel's Models

STEL devices for the synthesis of the ANC neutral anolyte - the electrochemically activated washing, disinfecting and sterilizing solution.

Stel 40

The STEL-10H-120-01 device (modification 40-01) is meant for electrochemical synthesis of neutral anolyte ANK used for disinfection, presterilization cleansing and sterilization.Dimensions of the electrochemical unit 300x250x80 mm, current source 170x70x230 mm.Weight of the electrochemical unit 1.5 kg, current source 4.5 kg.Power 150 W.Guaranteed service life of the device 17 thousand hours.

Productivity: 40 l/h model's description »

Stel 80

The STEL-10H-120-01 device (modification 80-01) is meant for electrochemical synthesis of neutral anolyte ANK used for disinfection, presterilization cleansing and sterilization.Dimensions of the electrochemical unit 300x250x100 mm, current source 170x70x230 mm.Weight of the electrochemical unit 1.8 kg, current source 4.5 kg.Power 150 W.Guaranteed service life of the device 17 thousand hours. Productivity: 80 l/h model's description »

Stel 120

The STEL-10H-120-01 device (modification 120) is meant for electrochemical synthesis of neutral anolyte ANK used for disinfection, presterilization cleansing and sterilization.Dimensions of the device 410x330x180 mm.Weight 7 kg.Power 500 W.Guaranteed service life of the device 17 thousand hours.

Productivity: 120 l/h model's description »

Stel 120a

The STEL-10N-120-01 installation (Model 120-А) (hereinafter referred to as installation) is intended for electrochemical synthesis of activated detergent, disinfectant and sterilizing solutions in automatic mode.

Productivity: 120 l/h model's description »

Stel 250

The STEL-10H-120-01 device (modification 250) is meant for electrochemical synthesis of neutral anolyte ANK used for disinfection, presterilization cleansing and sterilization.Dimensions of the device 410x330x180 mm.Weight 8 kg.Power 500 W.Guaranteed service life of the device 17 thousand hours.

Productivity: 250 l/h model's description »

Stel 250a

The plant STEL-10Н-120-01 (mod. 250-А) (hereinafter called "the plant") is designed for electrochemical synthesis of activated washing, disinfecting and sterilizing solutions.

Productivity: 250 l/h model's description »

Stel 1000


The STEL-10H-120-01 device (modification 1000) is meant for electrochemical synthesis of neutral anolyte ANK used for disinfection, presterilization cleansing and sterilization.Dimensions of the device 600x650x1350 mm.Weight 100 kg.Power 2000 W.Guaranteed service life of the device 17 thousand hours.

Productivity: 1000 l/h model's description »

Stel 2500

The STEL-10H-120-01 device (modification 2500) is meant for electrochemical synthesis of neutral anolyte ANK used for disinfection, presterilization cleansing and sterilization.Dimensions of the device 600x650x1350 mm.Weight 15 kg.Power 5000 W.Guaranteed service life of the device 17 thousand hours.

Productivity: 25000 l/h model's description »

Tuman Aerosol complex

A mobile installation for disinfecting objects, with remote control, consists of "Тuman" an aerosol generator and an "STEL-40" installation.

Productivity: l/h model's description »

Brief list of certifying documents

1. Recommendations on the application of the ANC neutral anolyte produced in the STEL-10N-120-01 device for the purposes of disinfection, presterilization cleaning and sterilization. Permission of the RF State Committee on the Sanitary and Epidemic Control dated February 14, 1997, No. MU-17-12.

2. The neutral ANC anolyte produced in the STEL-10N-120-01 device for the disinfection of surfaces, linen, utensils, instruments and other objects infected by agents of bacterial (including tuberculosis) and viral etiology, presterilization cleaning and sterilization of medical equipment. List of Russian and foreign disinfecting agents authorized for use on the RF territory 0028-96.

3. Permission of the RF Ministry of Health and Ministry of Economy Committee on the New Medical Equipment on the launching of production and application in the healthcare practice of the STEL-10N-120-01 device for the electrochemical synthesis of the neutral anolyte ANC for disinfection, presterilization cleaning and sterilization dated November 5, 1996, certificate No.7.

4. Sanitary rules "Safety measures for the work with microorganisms of the I and II pathogenic groups", approved by the RF Chief Sanitary Physician, No. SP1.2.011-94, dated May 4, 1994. The rules recommend the use of the anolyte produced in the STEL devices as a disinfecting agent when working with pathogenic microorganisms.

5. Recommendations of the Center for the Sanitary and Epidemic Control of the RF Federal Security Service (FSB) to the heads of the RF FSB military medical institutions, health centers and guest houses on the necessity of using the STEL devices. The recommendations were approved by S. Dan'ko, the FSB Chief Sanitary Physician on September 9, 1995, No. 24/TsS-159.

6. Recommendations on the broad use of the STEL devices in the healthcare practice approved by Professor V.S. Savelyev, the RF Health Ministry's Chief Surgeon, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, on January 11, 1995, No. 12-340.

7. Recommendations on the use of the anolyte produced in the STEL-type devices for disinfecting water in swimming pools, approved by V.I. Kurchanov, the Chief State Sanitary Physician of the St. Petersburg City Center of the State Committee on Sanitary and Epidemic Control, on July 21, 1995, No. 1305.

8. Recommendations on the use of the neutral anolyte produced in the STEL devices for disinfection purposes on the objects of municipal services and in hotels, approved by N.N. Filatov, the Chief Sanitary Physician of the City of Moscow, on December 27, 1994.

9. Decree of the Moscow Government on the use of the automated electrochemical STEL devices in the communal services in 1995-1996, dated February 23, 1995, No. 169-RP.

10. Recommendations on the use of the electrochemically activated sodium chloride water solutions produced in the STEL devices for the disinfection of cattle-breeding farms. The Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 1995.

11. The sanitary and hygienic justification of the use of the anolyte produced in the STEL-type devices as a disinfecting agent for common fecal sewage waters at local (small) purifying stations. I.I. Mechnikov St.Petersburg State Medical Academy, 1996.

12. Recommendations on the decontamination of the TB prophylactic centers' sewage waters by the anolyte. Approved by the Chief State Physician of the Voronezh Region on July 31, 1997.

13. Recommendations MU on the sterilization of endoscopes and their auxiliary components by the anolyte produced in the STEL device. The Rostov Region Center of the Sanitary and Epidemic Control, 1997.

14. Decree of the RF Health Ministry "On the improvement of measures for preventing intrahospital infections in prenatal medical centers" unstructing application of the STEL devices and the electrochemically activated sterilizing, disinfecting and washing solutions they produce No. 345, dated November 26, 1997.

15. The neutral anolyte ANC produced in the STEL devices applicable for disinfecting milk-processing equipment. List of Russian and foreign disinfecting agents authorized for use on the RF territory 0034-97.

16. The neutral anolyte ANC produced in the STEL devices applicable for disinfecting meat-processing equipment. List of Russian and foreign disinfecting agents authorized for use on the RF territory 0034-97.

17. Hygienic certificate No.78.SP.09.331.P.06016K98 dated April 30, 1998, issued by the State Committee on the Sanitary and Epidemic Control authorizing the use on the RF territory of the electrochemically activated anolyte solution in the form of fog produced on the KGA-1 aerosol generator for the cleansing in treatment-and-prophylactic institutions, agricultural premises, food and food-processing industry.

18. ANC neutral anolyte, code OKP-9392210. "Recommendations on the use of the ANC neutral anolyte for the disinfection of the meat and milk processing equipment", approved by the RF Health Ministry Department on the State Sanitary and Epidemic Control.

Some fields of application of electrochemical activation


Disinfection, pre-sterilizing cleaning and sterilizing of metal products of simple configuration (scalpels, pincers, etc.), metal products of complicated configuration (needles, wound dilators, forceps for teeth extraction, etc.), different tooth steel drills, glass products (test-tubes, capillaries, etc.), rubber products (catheters, probes, etc.), endotracheal drains, capillary and laminar dialyzers and oxygenerators, endoscopes.

Disinfection and washing of dishes, toys and surfaces covered with plastic, oil paint, linoleum, sanitary and cleaning stock, rooms.

Washing of surgeon's hands and arms.

Curing of burns, trophic ulcers, dermatosis, festering and inertly granulated wounds, post-operational, post-traumatic, post-injectional and other purulent after-effects, mastitis, bursitis, panaris, non-specific ulcerative colitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, hypertension, kidney diseases, gout, allergic diseases (including asthma), stomach eczema, leucosis as well as irregulations of metabolism and fermentative function of stomach, salmonella of gastro-intestinal form, colpitis, diseases of immunogenesis dysfunction, gingivitis, acute bacterial dysentery, stomatitis, hemolytic anemia, parodontitis, viral hepatitis A and B, liver and bile duct diseases, angina pectoris, hypertonic desease, diabetes age irregulations of metabolism (obesity, cartilage ossification, keratosis), urate diathesis; reduction and exclusion of antibiotics when curing chronic haematogenic and post-traumatic osteomyelitis, sub-diaphragm, interloop and pelvic abscess of abdomen; curing of fungous diseases, hemorrhoids.


Decontamination and purification of drinking water.

Treating foods with the purpose of improving their preservation (fruits, vegetables, berries, meat, fish).

Sterilizing items of household use, items of medical care, washing and bleaching of linen.

Cosmetic care of skin and hair; preparation of cosmetic creams, lotions, masks, infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Treatment and prevention of diseases of pets, tank fishes; indoor plant pest control.


· Comments on operation of the "Stel" installation for manufacturing disinfecting solutions


· Methodological recommendations for application of the aerosol complex 'STEL-TUMAN' for disinfecting closed spaces of rooms, containers, transport means, and for sanative treantment of air milieu.

· Methodological recommendations for application of anolyte produced on the STEL-10Н-120-01 installations (modifications 20, 40, 80, 120, 120A, 250, 250A, 1000) for disinfecting water in swimming pools

· Methodological recommendations for application of neutral anolyte produced on the Stel-10Н-120-01 installation for disinfecting performed at the municipal economy sites and in hotels

Decontamination of water in swimming pools; disinfection and washing in hairdressing saloons, baths, nursery schools, kindergartens, supermarkets, children's summer recreation centers, health farms, sanatoriums, restaurants, cafes.


Stimulation of plant growth and development, increasing the yield of plant crop by way of presowing seed treatment, grain disinfection; pest control, combating viral and fungal plant diseases; composted dung preparation.


Washing and disinfection of milk lines, milking apparatuses and other equipment; watering animals for treating and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases.


Bee diseases control, raising immunity and productivity of bees.


Sterilization of equipment, production of sterile apyrogenic water, increasing the efficiency of medicinal drug manufacture processes simultaneously raising the quality of medicinal preparations.