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Instructions for posting classified ads on

Please follow the instruction below for posting classified advertisements on This instruction applies for postings related to seafood products for import or export, agriculture and aquaculture business introduction, seed, fingerling, farm facilities, equipment and materials.

Name your email subject: [Company name] Product name (Sample email subject: [Vietlinh] AZ probiotics)

Compose an email using the template below
Attach picture(s) of your company's logo and products
Send your request to:

Template for classified ads

(Please include the following content in your email body):

For classified ads posting

Also let us know whether you would like to post your classified ads for free or for extra fees. For paid services, your classified ads will remain at the top of our classified ads page. Contact us for more details.

Your name and job title:
Company name or individual name:
Company address:
Telephone number:
Company introduction:
* Please attach your company logo.

Product information:

For any agriculture/aquatic products such as aquatic veterinary drugs, products for treatment and improvement of aquaculture environment, list sufficient information as required below according to your country’s circulation regulations:

- Product name:
- Manufacturer's name:
- Place of manufacture (address, city and country of origin):
- Approved by (Name of authority/agency and country approving this product):
- Uses:
- Product description:
- Names and contents of main active ingredients:
- Names and contents of any other ingredients:
- Attached pictures of the product and/or a link to the product webpage.

Make sure that this template is completed and pasted in your email body. Do not send template in attachment format. Please only attach product pictures and company logo to the email.


- Once receives your email, classified ads should be reviewed and posted within 24 hours, except for weekends and holidays.

- Details of classified ads, such as picture sizes or incorrect spelling, might be edited before being displayed on

- Do not send your request and the above template in CAPITALIZED letters.

- Except for senders’ request to not display any information in the above template, the default of will display all details, including company name (or individual name), address, email, phone number, and product information.

- will only post classified ads with full content and contact information. Please make sure that your postings include company name (or individual name), address, email, phone number.

- reserves the right to decide whether or not to post your request.

- Do not post any information related to prohibited or illegal goods and services. Do not post any information related to goods and services which have not been legally permitted to be sold or distributed in your country.

- You need to read and comply with the Operation Regulations of

- The above template and submission regulations are subject to change. Please monitor and update the changes before sending your classified ad requests.

- Senders are responsible for the accuracy and legality of the posted information.

- Buyers and website users are responsible for checking the accuracy of classified information before making a transaction decision.

Instructions to ensure transaction safety:

- Suppliers of products and services must provide complete and accurate information in posting requests. The information required include name, address, phone number, and email.

- Buyers or website users must directly contact suppliers to confirm whether the information posted on is correct.

- In cases when suppliers request buyers to transfer money (deposit, brokerage) before delivering goods or services, buyers must carefully check and find out information related to suppliers, including visiting the business locations, before making any decisions to transfer money.

- Buyers should not pay suppliers before the two parties agree on payment method, delivery and reliability.

- is not responsible for damages or risks related to products and services posted on our website that users may suffer.

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