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Instructions for listing job postings on

Please follow the instructions below for listing job postings on

Steps to list job postings on

Name your email subject: [Company name] Available job position (Sample email subject: [Vietlinh] Sales Representative)
Compose an email using the template below
Attach image of your company logo
Send your request to:

Template for job postings

(Please include the following content in your email body):

For job posting

(Also let us know whether you would like to list your job ads for free or for extra fees. For paid services, your postings will be at the top of our job listings page. Contact us for more details.)

Your name and job title:
Company name or individual name who is hiring:
Company address:
Telephone number:
Company introduction:

* Please attach your company logo or your individual logo.

Available job position information:

- Job title:
- Number of hires for this position:
- Job location:
- Job type (Full-time/Part-time/Temporary/Contract/Internship):
- Job description:
- Requirements:
- Minimum education requirements:
- Experience:
- Work hours:
- Salary:
- Benefits:
- Documents to be included in job applications (resume / cover letter / certifications / etc.):
- Applications to be sent to (Address/Telephone number/Email):
- Other information/requirements:
- Job application deadline: From ______ to _______ .

Make sure that this template is completed and pasted in your email body. Do not send template in attachment format. Please only attach product pictures or company logo to the email.


- Once receives your email, job postings should be reviewed and posted within 24 hours, except for weekends and holidays.

- Details of job postings, such as picture sizes or incorrect spelling, might be edited before being displayed on

- Do not send your request and the above template in CAPITALIZED letters.

- Except for senders’ request to not display any information in the above template, the default of will display all details, including company name (or individual name), address, email, phone number, and available job position information.

- will only list postings with full content and contact information. Please make sure that your job postings include company name (or individual name), address, email, phone number.

- reserves the right to decide whether or not to post your request.

- You need to read and comply with the Operation Regulations of

- The above template and submission regulations are subject to change. Please monitor and update the changes before sending your request.

- Senders are responsible for the accuracy and legality of the posted information.

- Job applicants and website users are responsible for checking the accuracy of postings before making a decision to apply.

 Instructions to ensure transaction safety:

- Companies must provide complete and accurate information in job posting requests. The information required includes name, address, phone number, and email.

- Job applicants or website users must directly contact companies to confirm whether the information listed on is correct.

- In cases when companies or job posters request applicants to transfer money (deposit, brokerage) before/after hiring, applicants must carefully check and find out information related to companies, including visiting the business locations, before making any decisions to transfer money.

- is not responsible for damages or risks related to services posted on our website that job applicants and website users may suffer.

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