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Tilapia: The world's most popular fish?

Theo IntraFish.com

Cam on Tien si Vo Tong Xuan da gui thong tin ve tai lieu nay den  Viet Linh de pho bien tren web. 7/2003

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IntraFish Industry Report

Written by: By Laura Cutland, IntraFish Media

December 2. 2003

A decade ago, very few people knew much, if anything, about tilapia. Today, tilapia has managed to become the ninth most consumed fish in the United States, and U.S. imports of the fish have grown over 700 percent during the past 10 years.

At least 85 countries now produce tilapia, a fish native to Africa and the Middle East that boasts a mild sweet flavor and firm texture. Nations in Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East are expected to push global farmed production to 1.5 million metric tonnes this year - worth an estimated $2 billion. Combined with wild harvests, worldwide supply of tilapia will reach about 2 million metric tonnes in 2003. By 2010, the global production of tilapia is expected to top $4 billion in value.

While numerous countries now produce tilapia, the vast majority of the world 's supply is consumed in those countries in which it is produced. In other words, Asian and Latin American countries are nations of tilapia growers and consumers.

As a result, export markets for tilapia are still in their infancy, with the United States considered the only major importer of the fish at present. However, as production increases and the industry matures, producers are expected to pioneer new export markets, such as Europe.

In the meantime, say experts, tilapia consumption in the Untied States still has plenty of room to grow. In addition, as global stocks of whitefish decrease, industry members say tilapia is well positioned as an alternative to fish like cod, sole, flounder and orange roughy.

Just how much growth is left in the tilapia juggernaut no one knows for sure. Nevertheless, global consumption continues to climb as more and more consumers become familiar with one of the world's most popular fish.

Below is a table of contents outlining the information provided in this report.

1. Introduction: Tilapia Takes the World by Storm

2. Global Production Trends
2.1 Top Global Producers
2.1.1 China
2.1.2 Philippines
2.1.3 Mexico
2.1.4 Thailand
2.1.5 Taiwan
2.1.6 Brazil
2.1.7 Indonesia
2.2 Other Significant Producers

3. Export Markets
3.1. The U.S. Market
3.1.1 Consumption
3.1.2 Retail Trends
3.1.3 Foodservice Trends
3.2 Europe: The Other Export Market

4. Future Trends
4.1 Marketing
4.2 The Carbon Monoxide Issue
4.3 Production and Prices

5. Major U.S. Importers

6. Sources Contacted for this Report

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