What are species of Pangasius in Vietnam?
Following are fish belong to Pangasiidae family (Tra familly) with Vietnamese name:
- Helicophagus waandersii - Ca Tra chuot
- Pangasius gigas - Ca Tra dau
- Pangasius kunyit - Ca Tra ban
- Pangasius hypophthalmus - Ca Tra nuoi
- Pangasius micronema - Ca Tra
- Pangasius larnaudii - Ca Vo dem
- Pangasius sanitwongsei - Ca Vo co
- Pangasius bocourti - Ca Basa
- Pangasius macronema - Ca Xac soc
- Pangasius pleurotaenia - Ca Xac bau
- Pangasius conchophilus - Ca Hu
- Pangasius polyuranodon - Ca Dua
- Pangasius krempfi - Ca Bong lau
12 species among 13 as mentioned above belong to Pangasius family and one to Helicophasus family. However, two species of Pangasius hypophthalmus (Tra) and Pangasius bocourti (Basa) have been culturing and developing in Vietnam.