Coral vine

English name: Mexican creeper, Mexican love vine, coral vine, corallita, confederate vine, chain-of-love, hearts on a chain...

Vietnamese name: Ti gôn

Latin name: Antigonon leptopus

Family: Polygonaceae

Tigon is an easy-to-grow flower, native to tropical Central America and Mexico. Plants grown in pots or gardens, can also grow wild, bloom continuously throughout the year. Flowers have many colors: pink, white, purple, red ...


Soil must be wet and rich in nutrients, much humus, treated pests, fungal pathogens, pH ~ 7.

Soil composition: 70% meat soil, 20% litter, 10% sand with Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium or 25% manure fertilizer, 49% meat soil, 25% rice husk ash, inorganic fertilizer 1 %

Planting trees with seeds or seedlings:

Using water, shovel, crowbar to open holes.

Sow seeds (or put seedlings) into holes

Cover the soil and water lightly to moisten

Make a security rig

Planting trees with branches:

Choose an old and luxuriant branch with many small branches.

Choose wet soil and lots of nutrients

Dig a small hole and plug it down

Do not plug up vertical branches but place the roof flat on the ground. Bring soil to near half of branches

Water a moderate amount of water to moisten

Photo: Viet Linh

Photo: Viet Linh

Photo: Viet Linh

Photo: Viet Linh

Photo: Viet Linh

Take care:

At the time of planting, 2 times per day watering, early morning and evening. C trees need to be covered, the sun is too harsh, should be used as a cover for trees.

After 1 month, the roots have started to get soiled, just water once a day in cool weather, water just right to avoid root rooting.

Cultivation: After planting for 10 days, it is necessary to cultivate the root, after 20-25 days, make the grass, stir up once for the soil around the stump to be loose.

Top dressing: Perennial crops need to be applied 2-3 times, spreading the fertilizer around the root. Dose: Manure: 0.5-1.5 kg / pot; Inorganic fertilizers: 2-4g / pot (N-P-K).

Golf green leaves all year round. At the end of the dry season or early spring, it is necessary to prune old branches so that young shoots grow much.

Tigon easily climb rigs, walls, door sills, fences.

© Feb 2015 Viet Linh

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