Arowana categoris


Common name Scientific Name Color Origin
Asian Arowanas

(Asia Dragon fish)

Scleropages Formosus Gold Through back Malaysia
    Yellow Tail Red Indonesia
    Red Indonesia
    Green Vietnam, Myanma, Thailand, Malaysia
Australia Arowanas Scleropages Jadini Light pearl Australia
(Australia Dragon fish) Scleropages Leichardti  White spots Australia
South American Osteoglossum Bicirrhosum White Silver Brazil, Columbia
(South American Dragon fish)  Osteoglossum Ferreirai Black Brazil, Columbia
African Heterotis Niloticus Light gray Africa
(African Dragon fish)      

II) Asian arowana

Asian Arowana fish ranks first aquarium in the world, because of the widely popular, high value and the beauty of it. The unique features of shape, wide mouth and bright scales did Arowanas so special and has made many hearts of amateur ignorance fish must vibrate. With close mates definition of net house, all overseas Chinese around the world are believed Dragon Fish is a symbol of good luck, fortune, and happiness so Arowana become animals also raised in the afternoon to make Feng Shui is better. According to legend dragon tank, Water tank Water, Dragon is in, these three words together, Dai Phuc. So in addition to enjoying the rare beauty of arowana fish that employers often see the dragon as a symbol of their wealth, which is why the more popular Arowana.

Asian Arowana are divided into four categories, depending on the different natural colors of each variety:

Cross Back Golden Malaysia from Malaysia

Super Red from West Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Red Tail Golden from Pekanbaru, Indonesia.

Green Arowana - Particularly like this can be found in several other tributaries in Malaysia Indonisia, Myanmar and Thailand. In recent years, for the love Chuo? G mass and too high demand, coupled with the promise of high profit, the end indiscriminate hunting was bring arowana number closer to extinction. Especially like Kim Long Too Background and Blood Long suddenly disappeared in the '80s. Fortunately, the Arowana is protected by listing on the animal every chance of extinction by CITES (Wild Fauna and Flora) is registered in the category of animal protection 1 (CITES Appendix I). Since then dried fish dragon hunters? G license will be prosecuted and heavily fined, until today there are still many countries prohibit trade arowanas like the United States and Taiwan.

A - Cross Back Golden:

There are many names for this fish, someone called Cross Back Golden, Malayan Bony Tongue, Bukit Merah Blue, Taipie Blue Golden and Malaysian Gold. All are the same speakers: Cross Back Golden. Individuals as adults will have color all over the back. The reason many called this fish is found in many parts of the territory of Malaysia as Perak, Trengganu, Lake Bukit Merah and Johor.

Due to low supply of, and demand is so high, so the most expensive fish in the form of, and factors that make the higher price is because in addition to the rare available, the pressure to succeed technique lower. current fish farms in Singapore and Malaysia are pressed like this fish.

Cross Back Golden classified further depending on the color of the fish scales, including: Blue Gradient, Gradient Purple Gradient Yellow Gradient Green, and Silver background. Purple Green and background terms are used interchangeably, depending on each farm pressed fish because the gray strip on the spine when you look at the angle, dark blue, but when you look at a different angle, a dark purple color . Of gold is 24K yellow flakes, iridescent scales on the border to the heart scales. Instead of mind scales green or purple. This yellow background by (color back) faster than any other fish. Kim Long approved by a color integrity, maturity, gold body blush as one 24K gold bars floating in the swimming pool. Occasional gentle rotation and confident demeanor KING of ornamental fish species. While other yellow fish also not get the colors of the sky for this. Of course do not forget to mention the brothers Green Background and Silver Gradient centered scales green and silver, but less popular.

It is difficult to distinguish precisely because individuals often forced farms through hybrid varieties, not as pure as it used to. However the advantage that they produce new fish, exotic and colorful. Typical of the new fish as Platinum White Golden and Royal Golden Blue as a new breed of production recently. These two types are now bringing the world's highest price, and the Family of Japan not afraid of money released to own only 1 text (DTV: 1 description was sold in Japan for $ 800,000 and $ 1 notes another 280,000 USD prices) and only in Malaysia successfully produced two fish on.

B - Super Red

This is the kind of Asian Dragon is red. Red Dragon fish found in many parts of the territory of West Kalimantan in Indonesia, most places are the Kapuas River and Lake Sentarum, at this, the Red Dragon (Red Peppers and Red Blood, Chilli and Blood Red) was first detected. This is the most popular fish in fish dragon, the cause is as colorful and softer prices of Kim Long Past by, highlights, tail, mouth, red beard has become since child, the individual player is hard to resist the desire and would love to own one of this fish. Growing up in red began to appear in other body parts, such as the gill cover, the edges of the flakes, making the fish whole body flushed. The common and preferred Red Dragon has prompted the Red Dragon starts spawning fish farm as highly profitable and Red Dragon is now more expensive than Cross Back Golden, but after the first time mass production, Red Dragon lower cost, but still more expensive than Cross Back Golden.

Red Dragon is divided into four different types: Chilli Red, Blood Red, Orange Red and Golden Red. Recently the red dragon is contributed and shared the same name as the Super Red or 1st Grade Red. This created controversy, because applying the name Blood Long Red Orange Red and Gold not achieve the true sense of the word when compared with the above two types, since they only appear orange or yellow 24K gold. Still fish farms abuse from blood long to put the common name for fish camp pressed.

Both two types of Chilli Red Chilli and Blood Red originating from countries known in the West Kalimantan, Indonesia called the River Kapuas and Lake Sentarum. A Sentarum includes several small lakes interconnected and reassembled at the end of the Kapuas River. In this country contains many perennial broken sink in the river swimming environment to create good for arowana live, but with pollution, waste, dirt, water prison had no little influence on the original color of Arowana here. Another reason affecting the original color of Red Arowana is pressed just clutter has produced many different colors. There are varieties with their thicker, mouth curved and deeper, more like bright red, gray background color. Because of this difference, the first manned fish in Indonesia devised two common names for two main groups of red dragons are found in the area: Chilli Red and Blood Red. These names are assigned to the individual because so between the two species. Red peppers are bright red and dark blood red like blood bruises. Besides color, the second fish also have different shapes. Red Chilli has a wide and thick body, while the blood is long and flat, this difference can be easily recognized when looking red hot chili peppers, the horizontal thickness from the spine through the abdomen to the tail are thick and wide while Blood Red oblong when viewed from the back of the neck to tail. The difference in shape and have thicker scales, spoon-shaped, bright red, has made Red Chilli as bodybuilder, pulse, balance and good looking.

The other difference is readily identifiable red peppers with eyes so big, red tail and Diamond-shaped tail - (DTV: In the U.S. it is called peach). While Red Blood, white eyes and a small tail rotor is extending (Fan-Shaped Tail). Red Chilli eyes very loud and clear, sometimes to the top almost touching the top and bottom nearly touching the mouth. Red Chilli's tail like diamonds and grow back as an adult. On the other hand, Red Blood, a much smaller eyes look at that Normal and more rounded. own tail rotor then open up as beautiful. These differences are very clear even when the fish are very young can identify.

Orange Red This is a very popular fish among spawning presses for more success, not the kind of "red flower" (Red-turning type). As an adult this fish Show orange fins covered her very well when compared with Red Peppers and Red Blood. The difference is evident when the Vi top + bottom and the tail is not red as two seniors on.

Golden Red is also common arowana next brother Orange Red. This category has the lowest value in the Red Dragon because when they grow up, it's only yellow light around the body, red lips and beard did not have that just one little yellowish, in fact there are many kind It also has no color range and tail. This is a consequence of the force to lay the same generation has made one half-hearted quality, just because of the pressure to successfully easy for farm policy of selling cheap but sell more (quantity over quality!)

Banjar Red or called "Citizens Type 2" (2nd Grade Red) never officially from the same blood Long. This is a manipulation of his the amateur fishing pressure to between females Red Green, Red Dragon Tails or with blood Long STM to increase the productivity of fish. Sometimes these dealers also use hormones or drugs to make the fish look very "Red". So when buy Red Dragon ABSOLUTELY not buy fish introduced "Natural Red Dragon" (Wild caught Red Arowana) and when asked if birth expose CITES KS (DTV: All individuals regardless dragon special kind, whether cheap or expensive, sold in stores in the country code, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore must have a birth, because if not arrested will be punished severely (rare animal extinction). The ultimate way for us to know is to look at the fish head is more rounded, the mouth is not sharp, so no light, blue / gold flakes is the right kind of Banjar Red.

C - Red Tail Golden

Be known as Red Tail Golden or Indonesia Red Tail Golden, this class is ranked Red Tail Golden family with Cross Back Golden. Malaysia Kim Long. The cost of Red Tail Golden is very cheap compared to Cross Back Golden. The reason is because Red Tail Golden will never achieve yellow 24K as Cross Back Golden, and yellow of Red Tail Golden will never pass off his back but as adults always have one large black streaks extending from head to tail. Although the value is not high when compared to "swiming Gold" (Cross Back Golden), but most of the little Red Tail Golden will yellow up to the 4th scales and a few notes, robin, yellow up to 5th rows of scales. Like Mr. Cross Back Golden, Red Tail Golden also different depending on the color of each bird, green background, green and yellow background. As baby Red Tail Golden not have anything while Cross Back Golden color colorful show clear, sparkling light, and color also entered the 5th scales.

General Red Tail Golden "hard-headed" than Cross Back Golden, bigger faster, and more big size, however Red Tails, the than Cross Back Golden. It's hard when kept together in one large lake, usually 8-9 small fish, while KL Malaysia, alright, this type are also protected by CITES, but still hunted in nature where, in addition , the very same from the tail, fin, and the color on this of 2 species Red Tail Golden mouth.

D - Green Arowana

This is one type of in your clan arowana, commonly found in Thailand, Malaysia, Mianma, Indonesia and Cambodia. Because this kind of life in many widely different soil and thus the shape and color may vary. Most Dragon types found in these places blue - gray color on the body and tail dark gray with green stripes. Dragon shape also features more unusual than other Arowana, head and mouth, round and bigger. This is the most expensive fish in the Golden Spiral with tail (Yellow Tail). However, one of the Green Dragon (have mixed purple on tamvay), was standing with the other noble elder. Dragon with Red Blood "Class 2" (2nd Grade Red) is the most popular in Thailand and the Philippines for its software. Besides, this kind of is the little student the Japanese pleasure for affordable, capable vessel, to both admire and forced labor.

This is normally the fish are most beginner aquarists hand used as a starting point for the aquarium industry later because, both cheap and easy to make. Then signed copy of one little experience and then start moving through Red Tail Golden, Cross Back Golden or Red Blood arowana.


Scientific name: Scleropages Jardini, Scleropages Leichardti.

There are 3 types of Australian arowana: Pearl, Spot, and Red.

European dragons are beautiful fish, looks like the Asian dragon. Except Australia arowana scales and smaller scales, and European red. Asian dragons usually have 5 rows of scales, the Australian arowana, up to 7 rows of scales, About the same color to yellow 24K, scaly dragons Australia have small European crescent tail, black with yellow spots , one kind of fish is it normal or gasp for air on the water, the Australian arowana fish pulse in the dragon, and is not in the list of protected rare animals.

Spots arowana like the European, except fin and tail darker, longer scales with small round spots, not sickle as Europe, sometimes with small red spots on the scales, this type is not protected.

Red arowana is very rare, and the best fish of the Australian arowana. Scales and fin are red brown with yellow spots, and 1 other rare European light yellow gold than other Australian arowanas.



Scientific name: Osteoglossum Bicirrhosum

White Arowana found the Amazon River in South America. Shape just Black Arowana in place tail cone, scales and of silver, is not protected. Relatives with White Arowana has 2 very rare White Long Red Tails (Red -Tail Silver) and Snow White Long (Snow Silver).

White Arowana is a common dragon fish that you can find in any aquarium shop at any local on earth, this category ranked No. 1 in the type of dragon genus Osteoglossidae. Like Heilongjiang, both 2 are originating from South America, has the tail cone, but the only difference is the color white body. Bach Long adulthood can be up to 90cm long, and is the longest of all types of arowana. White Arowana famous "carefree feed" healthy and most gentle of the arowana.


Scientific name: Osteoglossum Ferrerai

Black Arowana also originate from South America and the shape is the same White Arowana in that the tail cone. As a child, Black Arowana fin and black scales, with vertical white or gold, But until maturity, Black Arowana will gradually lose color and become gray. Black Arowana can be up to 80 cm long and not in the protected directory. Black Arowana is difficult to breed than the White Arowana. It's somewhat difficult to find than just laying on the season, while other types can lay all year round.


Scientific name: Heterotis niloticus

Africa Nile Arowana or popular than Africa Black Arowana. This type of Africa Arowana rare but not expensive, because little or aquarium experts like farming because its ugly compared to the other Arowana.

Africa Arowana origin from Africa, and is common in the shop, it is round, smooth retrieve, and well rounded chin, small scales and tails, while mature fish looks like is Arowanas.

Dr. Hao Nguyen - Forum Farmers integration, Netsoft (According to the documentary "DFI History and Type of Arowana", published in 1997). Translated by Google Translate.

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