Oscar (Velvet Cichlid, Peacok-Eye Cichlid, Oscar, Cichlide à oeil de paon, Cá heo lửa, Cá tai tượng Phi)

Family: Tilapia - Cichlidae

Distribution: South America, in a pond in Columbia and Panama.

Length: to 35cm. Fish in aquariums are usually 20cm in length.

Tank length: 120cm.

Diet: Worms, body armor animals, insects, minced meat, mixed fodders.

Water temperature: From 22 to 28 degrees C.

Private culture.

Oscar or African oscar (Oscar, Velvet Cichlid, Peacok - Eye Cichlid - Oscar, Cichlide à oeil de paon). Friendly horizontal flat monotone. The ventral fins sharp contrast to the dorsal, caudal, anal and rounded breasts.

General color change considerably and depend on the age of the fish. In the adult form of sex, can ruin dark brown, blue or black olive, adorned with yellow lines and dots are not entirely. Do fish have color as color flames that this fish was named Oscar. In the caudal peduncle usually have a black circle, surrounded by a donut-shaped bright red round - one of the constant features rare dolphin fire, looking like the eyes, so as the scientific name. The fin, darker at the edges, often paler at the base. Fish have relatively small eyes. Fish have not reached puberty are difficult sexism.

Tank should ideally have a background of sand and gravel, little rocks, tree roots and some different trees well. What trees should not be root or a hot fire for dolphin land to plant food will soon die. Can also potted plants and put it all into the background. Individuals taking this slow, but still moving normally. Fish live in peace but by digging behavior or should not keep with the other fish.

Individuals are sexually mature after 2-3 years. At this stage, can distinguish males from females covered. Males slender abdomen and genital opening tip, distended abdomen caico fishes and pink genital opening. Males have body color buffer, dorsal and ventral fin length, distance from snout to dorsal fin longer. But females have paler, shorter dorsal and ventral fins, dorsal part of the slender snout and shorter.

Spawning season is the rainy season, usually in 7-8 months. Males and females pair off with each order. Aggressive males courted females, chasing each bite. We work together carefully cleaned rocks makes it, usually for flat stones. Fish spawn every stick of rock on a 10 - 12cm square area over a period of 25-30 minutes. We often lay in the afternoon (13-15 hours). The number of eggs laid in the first group of about 300 eggs ; in individuals after age, number of eggs laid will increase even more. Broodstock for the organization keeping watch. We often use the pectoral fins to fan water, sometimes spray water lightly on clouds suck eggs. At this stage, avoid making noise or frightened fish, they will eat the eggs. After about 2-4 days, depending on the ambient temperature is high or low, the eggs will hatch. Fish fry parents leads to a small depressions dug in the sand and put them in there for 6 or 7 days. When fish are swimming freely, can eat rotifers and Artemia larvae.

It can also conduct artificial incubation to avoid eating fish eggs and fry. After spawning, broodstock people split up. Do not change the water temperature. Continuous aeration tank and adjust hamlet with a very mild airflow to avoid upsetting eggs.

After the fry hatch, they picked them out for the basin or large tanks. Three to four days later, feeding them rotifers, Artemia larvae. After two weeks, was able to fish only eat eggs, fish Peacock (guppies) children, fish net net, fish meal or meat meal. Juveniles are approximately 3cm split large sized pools to feed.

Source: Ornamental fish - Vo Van Chi, Science and Technology Publishing House, 1993. Copyright © VietLinh. Translated by http://translate.google.com

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