TRAVEL » Alta Vicente Reserve

Rancho Palos Verdes is a coastal city located in Los Angeles County, California. This city is known for its dramatic views of the Pacific Ocean and the Point Vicente lighthouse from atop the bluffs of the Palos Verdes Peninsula.

Alta Vicente Reserve includes 55 acres of land on the slopes below and around Rancho Palos Verdes City Hall. Alta Vicente Trail is a scenic and undulating route in this reserve with some ascents as well as for its extensive horse, mountain biking and hiking moderately difficult trails.

Alta Vicente Reserve
Address: 30940 Hawthorne Blvd, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
Hours: 1 Hour Before Sunrise to 1 Hour After Sunset
Public Amenities: Restrooms, Drinking Fountain, Adjacent Picnic Area, Staffed Facility and Free Parking Lot at Civic Center.

We can take the trails from the free parking lot of Rancho Palos Verdes City Hall, at the sign marked “Trail".

Most of the trail is wide and open.

Flowers off the trail.

Cactus and brushes

On March 2, 1903 the California poppy with bright orange flowers, Eschscholzia californica, became the official state flower of Golden State - California.

We saw some snails and a black caterpillar on the trees.

The Point Vicente Lighthouse is on the National Registry of Historic Sites. This 67 feet tower began the operation of the brightest beacon in Southern California on May 1,1926.

After World War Two, they talk about the "Lady Of The Light" appeared on the tower's walkway in the dim light through the lighthouse's painted windows. Some said she was the ghost of the first lighthouse keeper's wife. Today electronic sensors and automated controls have replaced the lighthouse keeper and activate the fog horn. The housing facility is home to regular Coast Guard personnel assigned to nearby ships, stations and offices.

In the spring, we’ll see super bloom flowers.

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